What Book is the Statue of Liberty Holding: An Icon of Freedom

I’ve always been fascinated by the iconic Statue of Liberty. Standing tall on Liberty Island in New York Harbor, this colossal sculpture has been a beacon of hope and freedom for countless immigrants arriving on American shores.

But have you ever wondered about the book Lady Liberty holds so proudly in her left hand? It’s not just a random prop; it carries a profound significance. This book, with the date “July 4, 1776” inscribed on it, is a symbol of the Declaration of Independence, a testament to the birth of a nation built on the principles of freedom and democracy.

In this article, we’ll explore the history, details, and symbolism of this book, as well as other symbols that adorn the statue, and their influence on popular culture.

Historical Background

The Statue of Liberty wasn’t always a part of the New York skyline. In fact, it has its roots in a friendship that crossed the Atlantic. The statue was a generous gift from France to the United States, a gesture to celebrate the centennial of American independence and a symbol of the enduring friendship between the two nations. Designed by Frédéric Auguste Bartholdi and dedicated on October 28, 1886, this magnificent monument quickly became an emblem of freedom and democracy worldwide.

But why did France gift such a monumental statue to the U.S.? The answer lies in the shared values and revolutionary spirit of the two nations. Both countries had experienced revolutions that sought to overthrow monarchies and establish republics based on the principles of liberty, equality, and fraternity. The statue, with its torch held high and a book in hand, encapsulates these ideals and serves as a constant reminder of the sacrifices made to achieve them.

The Book’s Details

Statue of Liberty - Book

A common misconception but she does not hold a book, but rather a tablet. Measuring roughly 23 feet long and 13 feet wide, this tablet is made of the same copper material as the rest of the statue, which has since turned green due to natural oxidation.

Now, let’s talk about inscriptions. The most prominent detail on the tablet is the date “July 4, 1776,” written in Roman numerals. This date, as many of you might recognize, marks the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. The inclusion of this date is no mere coincidence. It signifies the birth of the United States and the nation’s commitment to the principles of freedom and self-governance.

Feature Description
Material Copper (now green due to oxidation)
Size Approximately 23 feet long, 13 feet wide
Inscription “July 4, 1776” in Roman numerals

The connection between the tablet and the Declaration of Independence is profound. It’s a reminder of the momentous day when thirteen colonies united to declare their independence from British rule, setting the stage for the creation of a new nation.


At its heart, the tablet represents the rule of law and democracy. In a world where monarchies and empires dominated, the idea of a nation governed by its people was revolutionary. The United States, with its democratic principles enshrined in the Declaration of Independence and later the Constitution, became a beacon for other nations seeking a similar path.

The date “July 4, 1776” is not just a mark of the nation’s birth but also a testament to the importance of knowledge and enlightenment. The founders of the U.S. were deeply influenced by the Enlightenment era, believing in reason, science, and the power of knowledge. By inscribing this date on the tablet, the statue emphasizes the role of informed citizenry in a thriving democracy.

Symbol Meaning
Book/Tablet Rule of Law and Democracy
Date “July 4, 1776” Birth of the United States, Enlightenment, and Knowledge

Furthermore, the tablet’s presence in Lady Liberty’s hand, alongside the torch, creates a harmonious balance between the light of freedom and the foundation of law. Together, they tell a story of a nation that values both liberty and order, understanding that one cannot exist without the other.

Other Symbols on the Statue

Symbolism of Torch - Statue of Liberty


Lady Liberty is adorned with other symbols, each meticulously designed to convey a specific message. Let’s explore some of these symbols and their meanings:

  • The Torch: Held high in her right hand, the torch is perhaps the most recognizable symbol of the Statue of Liberty. It represents enlightenment, shedding light on the path to freedom and liberty. The flame, made of gold leaf, shines brightly, symbolizing hope and a brighter future.
  • The Crown: Have you ever counted the rays on Lady Liberty’s crown? There are seven of them, each pointing outwards. These rays represent the seven continents, emphasizing the universal concept of liberty. It’s a reminder that the desire for freedom and self-determination is not limited to any one nation or region; it’s a universal human aspiration.
  • Broken Chains at Her Feet: While not immediately visible to many visitors, at the base of the statue lie broken chains and shackles. These symbolize freedom from oppression and tyranny. The fact that they’re broken signifies the triumph over adversities and the relentless human spirit that seeks liberty.
Symbol Interpretation
Torch Enlightenment and Hope
Crown’s Seven Rays Seven Continents and Universal Liberty
Broken Chains Freedom from Oppression

It’s truly awe-inspiring how each element of the statue, from the tip of the torch to the chains at her feet, tells a story. A story of hope, resilience, and the undying human spirit.

Influence on Popular Culture

Statue of Liberty - Cultural icon of NY City

The Statue of Liberty isn’t just a historical monument; it’s a cultural icon. Over the years, Lady Liberty has made countless appearances in movies, TV shows, literature, and even music videos. Her image is so ingrained in our collective consciousness that she often serves as a shorthand for New York City, freedom, or America itself.

In movies, the statue has played both starring and cameo roles. From dramatic backdrops in films like “Planet of the Apes” and “Cloverfield” to inspiring scenes in “Ghostbusters II” and “The Day After Tomorrow,” the statue’s presence is often used to evoke strong emotions, be it hope, despair, or nostalgia.

Television hasn’t been left behind either. Numerous TV shows set in New York, from sitcoms to crime dramas, have featured the statue in some capacity. It’s not just a landmark; it’s a character in its own right, representing the city’s spirit and resilience.

Literature, too, has its share of references. From historical novels to futuristic dystopias, the Statue of Liberty often serves as a symbol of what was, what is, or what could be.

What’s fascinating is how the book and other symbols on the statue have been interpreted or referenced in these works. Sometimes they’re a symbol of hope, other times a reminder of history, and occasionally, they’re reimagined in entirely new contexts.


Which direction does the statue face?

The Statue of Liberty faces Southeast. It was strategically placed inside of Fort Wood, making it a perfect base for the statue. This positioning ensures that ships entering the harbor see her as a welcoming symbol.

Does the Statue of Liberty get struck by lightning?

Absolutely! The Statue of Liberty, due to its height and conductive copper material, is prone to lightning strikes. While the exact number of times it gets struck each year is unknown, it’s a frequent occurrence. However, the statue is grounded through its massive concrete and granite base, ensuring its safety.

How has the color of the Statue of Liberty changed over time?

The Statue of Liberty is made of copper, which has naturally oxidized over the years. This oxidation process has resulted in the formation of a “patina” green coating. This patina, in many places, is as thick as the copper behind it and acts as a protective layer, preventing the copper from wearing away.


Reflecting on the Statue of Liberty and the myriad symbols she carries, it’s evident that Lady Liberty is more than just a monument; she’s a storyteller. From the tablet in her hand to the torch that lights up the New York skyline, every detail narrates a tale of hope, freedom, and the indomitable human spirit.

Visiting the statue is an experience like no other. Standing at her base, looking up, you can’t help but feel a sense of awe and gratitude. The air seems to hum with the dreams and aspirations of millions who’ve come before, seeking a better life, a fresh start, and the promise of liberty.

I encourage everyone, whether you’re a local or a visitor, to take a moment and visit this iconic monument. Not just to marvel at its grandeur, but to reflect on its deeper meanings and the values it stands for. In a world that’s ever-changing, the Statue of Liberty remains a steadfast symbol of hope, unity, and the enduring power of freedom.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through history, symbolism, and culture. Here’s to Lady Liberty, may she continue to inspire generations to come!